Aníbal Gil Lopes was born on July 18, 1948, in Araraquara in the State of São Paulo.
He studied Medicine at the University of São Paulo (USP) and graduated in 1973. Before that, however, during his second year in medical school, he started working as an undergraduate research intern under the helm of Professor Gerhard Malnic.
Dr. Gil Lopes holds a PH.D. in Organ Systems Physiology from the aforementioned institution in 1976 and attained a postdoctoral diploma from Yale University in 1984. Upon returning to Brazil and joining USP, the newly graduated physician started studying ion transport in the regulation of cellular volume in renal epithelial cells.
He also completed his studies in Theology at the Caritas Archdiocesan of São Paulo (CASP) and was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1973.
From 1986 to 1994, Dr. Gil Lopes was part of the Vatican-based, Caritas Internacionalis Working Group on AIDS, during which time he actively contributed to organizing and hosting Meetings and Symposiums that addressed a host of consequences stemming from the AIDS Pandemic in Brazil as well as in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
In 1993, the esteemed physician secured the position of Full Professor at the Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho (IBCCF) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he led efforts to establish a new Renal Physiology laboratory which, today, brings together both undergraduate research interns and graduate students. He also served as Head of UFRJ’s Institute of Biomedical Sciences.
Dr. Gil Lopes is additionally a Member of the following groups: the Commission of Ethics in Research in Human Beings of the University of São Paulo’s Institute of Biomedical Sciences; Brazilian Health Council’s National Committee for Ethics in Research; and the National Health Council Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology.
With a special focus on renal physiology, the physician holds extensive experience in the field of physiology and has dedicated his career to studying cellular regulation mechanisms of ion transport along the nephron, as can be seen in his nearly 80 scientific papers published in international medical journals.
Among his many accolades, some particularly worth noting include the Brazilian Clinical Research Institute-awarded Michel Jamra award in 2006; Roberto Alcântara Gomes award granted by the Brazilian Biophysical Society, also in 2006; and the Scientist of our State distinction bestowed by the State of Rio de Janeiro Carlos Chagas Filho Research Foundation in 2003 and 2005.
Other highlights include the Excellence Award in Medical Education granted by UFRJ, by the nationwide AMIL health insurance plan, and by the UFRJ Faculty of Medicine in 2005, as well as a Tribute for his professional achievements and invaluable contributions to medicine conferred by the University of São Paulo Institute of Biomedical Sciences’ Department of Physiology and Biophysics in 2005, among other distinctions.
Moreover, Dr. Gil Lopes is honored with the title of Full Member of the Latin American Academy of Sciences, Member of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, and Member of the Brazilian Association of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine, in addition to the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Finally, he serves as a Correspondent of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EAASH), and as the Brazilian Correspondent of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.
Número acadêmico: 616
Cadeira: 91
Membro: Holder
Secção: Applied Medical Sciences
Eleição: 15/08/2002
Posse: 08/10/2002
Sob a presidência: Augusto Paulino Soares de Souza Netto
Saudado: Omar da Rosa Santos
Número acadêmico: 616
Cadeira: 91
Membro: Holder
Secção: Applied Medical Sciences
Eleição: 15/08/2002
Posse: 08/10/2002
Sob a presidência: Augusto Paulino Soares de Souza Netto
Saudado: Omar da Rosa Santos
Aníbal Gil Lopes was born on July 18, 1948, in Araraquara in the State of São Paulo.
He studied Medicine at the University of São Paulo (USP) and graduated in 1973. Before that, however, during his second year in medical school, he started working as an undergraduate research intern under the helm of Professor Gerhard Malnic.
Dr. Gil Lopes holds a PH.D. in Organ Systems Physiology from the aforementioned institution in 1976 and attained a postdoctoral diploma from Yale University in 1984. Upon returning to Brazil and joining USP, the newly graduated physician started studying ion transport in the regulation of cellular volume in renal epithelial cells.
He also completed his studies in Theology at the Caritas Archdiocesan of São Paulo (CASP) and was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1973.
From 1986 to 1994, Dr. Gil Lopes was part of the Vatican-based, Caritas Internacionalis Working Group on AIDS, during which time he actively contributed to organizing and hosting Meetings and Symposiums that addressed a host of consequences stemming from the AIDS Pandemic in Brazil as well as in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
In 1993, the esteemed physician secured the position of Full Professor at the Institute of Biophysics Carlos Chagas Filho (IBCCF) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), where he led efforts to establish a new Renal Physiology laboratory which, today, brings together both undergraduate research interns and graduate students. He also served as Head of UFRJ’s Institute of Biomedical Sciences.
Dr. Gil Lopes is additionally a Member of the following groups: the Commission of Ethics in Research in Human Beings of the University of São Paulo’s Institute of Biomedical Sciences; Brazilian Health Council’s National Committee for Ethics in Research; and the National Health Council Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology.
With a special focus on renal physiology, the physician holds extensive experience in the field of physiology and has dedicated his career to studying cellular regulation mechanisms of ion transport along the nephron, as can be seen in his nearly 80 scientific papers published in international medical journals.
Among his many accolades, some particularly worth noting include the Brazilian Clinical Research Institute-awarded Michel Jamra award in 2006; Roberto Alcântara Gomes award granted by the Brazilian Biophysical Society, also in 2006; and the Scientist of our State distinction bestowed by the State of Rio de Janeiro Carlos Chagas Filho Research Foundation in 2003 and 2005.
Other highlights include the Excellence Award in Medical Education granted by UFRJ, by the nationwide AMIL health insurance plan, and by the UFRJ Faculty of Medicine in 2005, as well as a Tribute for his professional achievements and invaluable contributions to medicine conferred by the University of São Paulo Institute of Biomedical Sciences’ Department of Physiology and Biophysics in 2005, among other distinctions.
Moreover, Dr. Gil Lopes is honored with the title of Full Member of the Latin American Academy of Sciences, Member of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, and Member of the Brazilian Association of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine, in addition to the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Finally, he serves as a Correspondent of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EAASH), and as the Brazilian Correspondent of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.