Mauricio Gomes Pereira

The son of Paulo Gomes Pereira and Júlia Badejo Gomes Pereira, Mauricio Gomes Pereira was born on January 15, 1937, in the city of Belo Horizonte in the State of Minas Gerais. 

He studied Medicine at the now terminated University of Brazil, current Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), graduating in 1962. Afterwards, the young physician obtained a Specialization certificate in Pediatrics from the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) and then headed to Belgium, where he specialized in another field, namely Public Health, from the also defunct Free University of Brussels. There, he additionally completed a Master’s degree in Health Planning, after which time he studied Epidemiology at New York’s Columbia University in the United States. 

Dr. Pereira has taught at the University of Brasília (UnB) since 1968, having lectured in the institution’s first medical graduating class. In 2012, he was honored with the title of Emeritus Professor at said college and has been involved in teaching, research, further education, management, and tutoring activities for both undergraduate and graduate studies.

Moreover, Dr. Pereira served as an advisor to numerous Brazilian as well as foreign organizations, such as Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq); Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES); Finep, which is a state-run organization in charge of fostering science and technology throughout the country; Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, and on the other hand, foreign institutions in the likes of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); Pan American Health Organization; and the World Health Organization (WHO). He also worked as a consultant and was appointed as a Full Member at the Inter-Agency Health Information Network (Ripsa).  

The esteemed physician, consultant and researcher has relentlessly and continuously worked to develop himself professionally, enrolling in training programs in the areas of Internal Medicine, Nutrition, Infectious Diseases and Public Health at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain and the University of Brussels in Belgium.   

In his activities as a scholar, Dr. Pereira helped to compile and write the “Indicadores Básicos para a Saúde no Brasil: Conceitos e Aplicações” (“Basic Indicators for Health in Brazil: Concepts and Applications”) book and is the author of a self-penned work named “Epidemiologia: Teoria e Prática” (“Epidemiology: Theory and Practice”). He took ten years to draft the “Artigos Científicos: como redigir, publicar e avaliar” (“Scientific Articles: How to Write, Publish and Evaluate”) book, which targets all fields of research. 

Currently, he teaches the subject of Scientific Method at the University of Brasília’s (UnB) Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences. 

Throughout his remarkable career, Dr. Pereira has been granted multiple memberships to medical associations as well as various accolades. He was a Member of the first Board of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics in 1969 and Member of the Academy of Medicine of Brasília in 2010. He has additionally been cherished on several occasions, such as at the 25th anniversary celebration of the University of Brasília’s (UnB) Nutrition Department in 2000. Furthermore, Dr. Pereira was awarded the City of Brasília Health Award for Scientific Contributions in 2010, as well as a distinction conferred by the Ministry of Health in 2012 for his significant contributions to academic activities and research conducted in the field of medicine at UnB.

Dr. Pereira’s line of research entails scientific communications, evidence-based healthcare and providing sound information to help with healthcare-related decision-making.

Upon running for a Full Member position at the Academia Nacional de Medicina (National Academy of Medicine – ANM), Dr. Mauricio Gomes Pereira submitted an essay titled “Scientific Evidence in Medicine: The Epidemiological Contribution.”

Memória: “Evidências Científicas em Medicina: A Contribuição da Epidemiologia”

Informações do Acadêmico

Número acadêmico: 665

Cadeira: 16

Membro: Holder

Secção: Medicine

Eleição: 27/10/2016

Posse: 25/04/2017

Sob a presidência: Francisco José Barcellos Sampaio

Saudado: Omar Lupi da Rosa Santos

Informações do Acadêmico

Número acadêmico: 665

Cadeira: 16

Membro: Holder

Secção: Medicine

Eleição: 27/10/2016

Posse: 25/04/2017

Sob a presidência: Francisco José Barcellos Sampaio

Saudado: Omar Lupi da Rosa Santos

The son of Paulo Gomes Pereira and Júlia Badejo Gomes Pereira, Mauricio Gomes Pereira was born on January 15, 1937, in the city of Belo Horizonte in the State of Minas Gerais. 

He studied Medicine at the now terminated University of Brazil, current Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), graduating in 1962. Afterwards, the young physician obtained a Specialization certificate in Pediatrics from the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) and then headed to Belgium, where he specialized in another field, namely Public Health, from the also defunct Free University of Brussels. There, he additionally completed a Master’s degree in Health Planning, after which time he studied Epidemiology at New York’s Columbia University in the United States. 

Dr. Pereira has taught at the University of Brasília (UnB) since 1968, having lectured in the institution’s first medical graduating class. In 2012, he was honored with the title of Emeritus Professor at said college and has been involved in teaching, research, further education, management, and tutoring activities for both undergraduate and graduate studies.

Moreover, Dr. Pereira served as an advisor to numerous Brazilian as well as foreign organizations, such as Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq); Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES); Finep, which is a state-run organization in charge of fostering science and technology throughout the country; Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, and on the other hand, foreign institutions in the likes of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF); Pan American Health Organization; and the World Health Organization (WHO). He also worked as a consultant and was appointed as a Full Member at the Inter-Agency Health Information Network (Ripsa).  

The esteemed physician, consultant and researcher has relentlessly and continuously worked to develop himself professionally, enrolling in training programs in the areas of Internal Medicine, Nutrition, Infectious Diseases and Public Health at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain and the University of Brussels in Belgium.   

In his activities as a scholar, Dr. Pereira helped to compile and write the “Indicadores Básicos para a Saúde no Brasil: Conceitos e Aplicações” (“Basic Indicators for Health in Brazil: Concepts and Applications”) book and is the author of a self-penned work named “Epidemiologia: Teoria e Prática” (“Epidemiology: Theory and Practice”). He took ten years to draft the “Artigos Científicos: como redigir, publicar e avaliar” (“Scientific Articles: How to Write, Publish and Evaluate”) book, which targets all fields of research. 

Currently, he teaches the subject of Scientific Method at the University of Brasília’s (UnB) Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences. 

Throughout his remarkable career, Dr. Pereira has been granted multiple memberships to medical associations as well as various accolades. He was a Member of the first Board of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics in 1969 and Member of the Academy of Medicine of Brasília in 2010. He has additionally been cherished on several occasions, such as at the 25th anniversary celebration of the University of Brasília’s (UnB) Nutrition Department in 2000. Furthermore, Dr. Pereira was awarded the City of Brasília Health Award for Scientific Contributions in 2010, as well as a distinction conferred by the Ministry of Health in 2012 for his significant contributions to academic activities and research conducted in the field of medicine at UnB.

Dr. Pereira’s line of research entails scientific communications, evidence-based healthcare and providing sound information to help with healthcare-related decision-making.

Upon running for a Full Member position at the Academia Nacional de Medicina (National Academy of Medicine – ANM), Dr. Mauricio Gomes Pereira submitted an essay titled “Scientific Evidence in Medicine: The Epidemiological Contribution.”

Memória: “Evidências Científicas em Medicina: A Contribuição da Epidemiologia”

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