Sérgio Paulo Bydlowski

The son of Abraham Bydlowski and Alta Bydlowski, Sérgio Paulo Bydlowski was born on April 1, 1951, in the city of São Paulo in the State of São Paulo. 

Bydlowski graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo in 1976 and later pursued a Master’s degree (1980) as well as a Ph.D. (1984) in the field of Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) from the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). He then completed his postgraduate research studies at both the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in the United States and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. 

In 1995, Dr. Bydlowski was appointed as an Associate Professor of Clinical Therapeutics at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine (FMUSP) in 1995.

What ensued in Dr. Bydlowski’s remarkable career was a myriad of titles and positions, namely Full Professor of Physiology at both the Brazil Adventist University’s School of Nursing, from 1982 to 1984, and the Santo Amaro University (Unisa) Faculty of Medicine between 1988 and 1991. 

He further held the position of Associate Professor of Physiology and Pathophysiology at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo from 1987 to 1991, and Associate Professor of Hematology and Hemotherapy at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP).

Other accolades given to Dr. Bydlowski in acknowledgment of his excellence in the field of medicine include President of the Brazilian Association of Cell and Gene Therapy (ABTCEL); Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies in Medical Sciences at the University of São Paulo’s (USP) Faculty of Medicine; Head of the Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Hematology at the USP Faculty of Medicine; and Head of the Laboratory of Medical Investigation in Pathogenesis and Directed Therapy in Onco-Immuno-Hematology (LIM-31) at the aforementioned institution’s Hospital das Clínicas university hospital complex.

Moreover, the distinguished physician and scholar served as Guest Editor of the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine journal from 1984 to 1985; Guest Reviewer of the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research in 1988; and Advisor to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in 1992. 

Finally, Dr. Bydlowski joined the Hematology and Hemotherapy journal’s editorial board in 1996 and provided consulting services to the State of Pernambuco Foundation for the Support of Science and Technology (FACEPE) in 1999.

Dr. Bydlowski holds experience in the fields of hematology, biochemistry, and pathophysiology, as well as in clinical research. In addition, he researches the subject of genetics, with a focus primarily on topics such as cell proliferation and differentiation; gene and cell therapy; neoplasms; lipid and cholesterol metabolism; hemostasis; and molecular pharmacology.

During his successfully candidacy for Full Membership to the Academia Nacional de Medicina (National Academy of Medicine – ANM), Dr. Sérgio Paulo Bydlowski submitted a paper by the name of “Factor V Leiden: Mutation Associated with Complications that Lead to Liver Transplantation? A Prospective Study.”

Currículo Lattes

Informações do Acadêmico

Número acadêmico: 621

Cadeira: 60

Membro: Holder

Secção: Medicine

Eleição: 21/08/2003

Posse: 21/10/2003

Sob a presidência: Pietro Novellino

Informações do Acadêmico

Número acadêmico: 621

Cadeira: 60

Membro: Holder

Secção: Medicine

Eleição: 21/08/2003

Posse: 21/10/2003

Sob a presidência: Pietro Novellino

The son of Abraham Bydlowski and Alta Bydlowski, Sérgio Paulo Bydlowski was born on April 1, 1951, in the city of São Paulo in the State of São Paulo. 

Bydlowski graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo in 1976 and later pursued a Master’s degree (1980) as well as a Ph.D. (1984) in the field of Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology) from the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). He then completed his postgraduate research studies at both the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in the United States and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. 

In 1995, Dr. Bydlowski was appointed as an Associate Professor of Clinical Therapeutics at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine (FMUSP) in 1995.

What ensued in Dr. Bydlowski’s remarkable career was a myriad of titles and positions, namely Full Professor of Physiology at both the Brazil Adventist University’s School of Nursing, from 1982 to 1984, and the Santo Amaro University (Unisa) Faculty of Medicine between 1988 and 1991. 

He further held the position of Associate Professor of Physiology and Pathophysiology at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo from 1987 to 1991, and Associate Professor of Hematology and Hemotherapy at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP).

Other accolades given to Dr. Bydlowski in acknowledgment of his excellence in the field of medicine include President of the Brazilian Association of Cell and Gene Therapy (ABTCEL); Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies in Medical Sciences at the University of São Paulo’s (USP) Faculty of Medicine; Head of the Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Hematology at the USP Faculty of Medicine; and Head of the Laboratory of Medical Investigation in Pathogenesis and Directed Therapy in Onco-Immuno-Hematology (LIM-31) at the aforementioned institution’s Hospital das Clínicas university hospital complex.

Moreover, the distinguished physician and scholar served as Guest Editor of the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine journal from 1984 to 1985; Guest Reviewer of the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research in 1988; and Advisor to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in 1992. 

Finally, Dr. Bydlowski joined the Hematology and Hemotherapy journal’s editorial board in 1996 and provided consulting services to the State of Pernambuco Foundation for the Support of Science and Technology (FACEPE) in 1999.

Dr. Bydlowski holds experience in the fields of hematology, biochemistry, and pathophysiology, as well as in clinical research. In addition, he researches the subject of genetics, with a focus primarily on topics such as cell proliferation and differentiation; gene and cell therapy; neoplasms; lipid and cholesterol metabolism; hemostasis; and molecular pharmacology.

During his successfully candidacy for Full Membership to the Academia Nacional de Medicina (National Academy of Medicine – ANM), Dr. Sérgio Paulo Bydlowski submitted a paper by the name of “Factor V Leiden: Mutation Associated with Complications that Lead to Liver Transplantation? A Prospective Study.”

Currículo Lattes

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